Louis-Pier Racicot
Louis-Pier Racicot start

0(0 Reviews)

Hey, thanks for visiting my profile! I am Louis-Pier Racicot, Violin Teacher.

Audition PrepComposing for Film and TVMusic Theory

California, US

From $31/Lesson

Gian Signorelli
Gian Signorelli start

0(0 Reviews)

American-chilean music producer, composer and multi-instrumentalist now based in San Francisco, CA.

Composing for Film and TVMusic MeditationMusic TechnologyMusic TheorySongwriting

California, US

From $20/Lesson

Dean Hughart
Dean Hughart start

0(0 Reviews)

Hi prospective students and music lovers! I am very excited to be able to share my passion for music with you.

Composing for Film and TVImprovisationMusic TechnologyMusic Theory

California, US

From $32.5/Lesson

Composing for Film and TV Lessons For Everyone

Average Cost of Online Composing for Film and TV Lessons

30 minutes

35.8$ average

45 minutes

51.1$ average

60 minutes

67.7$ average

90 minutes

101.5$ average

Easy To Get Started

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Enjoy your lessons and music discoveries at your own pace from anywhere you want. Then feel free to share your inspiration with our global music community.

Music 4 Humans Uniqueness

A meaningful experience

Learning with Music 4 Humans is about a lot more than playing. It is about self-discovery and growing as human beings.

Artists who thrive to share

Whatever your dreams are, our professional members’ devotion is to help you reach each one of them.

A Collaborative Culture

Music 4 Humans makes it easy to discover and communicate with artists worldwide. Our collaboration features stimulate diverse exchanges of ideas.

Committed to your enjoyment

Everyone’s experience is unique, and we’ll rebook or refund you any unused services if an issue covered by our refund policy comes up.

What Our Students Say About Us

Online Learning

If you are new to online music lessons, you’re at the right place. Music 4 Humans is working for the future of music education. All our instructors have access to specialized training and advance teaching tools. Furthermore, we’ll make sure you have all the tools to get the best online learning experience.

Start Learning

FAQs About Online Composing for Film and TV Lessons

How do I find the right music instructor for my needs?

When searching for a music instructor,  you want to find one that has a personality that suits you, with a professional background certification, and prices that match your budget. Music 4 Humans suggests only the finest online music lessons and in-person possibilities worldwide. If you need help making your choice reach out to us at info@music4humans.com.

Can I start with a trial lesson?

Music 4 Humans hold in high regard and value our students’ learning experience. Therefore, we offer a free 30-minute music lesson to ensure you find the right instructor. If you are not satisfied with your teacher, please report it to us, and we will make sure to find another teacher that fits your needs.

What is Music 4 Humans' Satisfaction Guarantee?

Suppose you do not feel entirely fulfilled and inspired by your learning experience. In that case, Music 4 Humans will help you find a new teacher, or you can receive a refund for any future unused lessons already purchased. Contact us or use the Cancel/Reschedule function in the Booked Lesson section of your Dashboard at least 24 hours before your next class to cancel your lessons and receive a refund.

Do you offer group lesson or 1-1 lessons?

Music 4 humans currently offer live one-on-one online music lessons. When you book a class with one of our available teachers, you’ll be the only person attending the class. As a result, you will get a personalized experience tailored to you, your level, and your goals. You will also get close follow-up from your teacher, creating the best possible learning experience.

How much does the lessons cost?

Music 4 Humans highly regard all music-related work and promote the high value of our teacher’s unique and hard-earned knowledge. Therefore, teachers set their lesson fees which range from $20 per 30 minutes lesson up. You can find the teachers’ fees on the search page and the teachers’ profile pages.

What if I need to Cancel my lesson?

To cancel an upcoming lesson, locate it on your Dashboard, and select Cancel Lesson. Your teacher will receive a notification, and you will get a full refund. However, cancellations can be disruptive to teachers’ plans. Because of this, we kindly ask you to give us at least 24h before canceling a lesson. See our Cancellation Policy for more details.