Music 4 Humans

The benefits of Music Education for Children

guitar, music therapy, the benefits of music

music education for children, music therapy, the benefits of music

Hey there, parents! I know we all want what’s best for our little ones, and did you know that music education for children is a fantastic way to help your kids excel in many areas of life?

Music can significantly impact whether they dream of being the next Taylor Swift or just sing their hearts out in the shower.

Research shows that learning music doesn’t just help with reading and writing and improves your child’s cognitive development, emotional well-being, and physical performance. Musical training has been proven to give the brain a workout like no other activity can!

That’s why making music education an essential part of every child’s education is important.

Music Therapy A creative Emotional Output

Sometimes it can be tough to navigate the big feelings that come with life, especially with young children in tow.

It’s easy to try and rush through those big emotions and move on, but did you know that music can offer a safe and dependable space to feel all the feels?

àThat’s right, music can help us work through those tough emotions, and even better, it’s a safe way to do so. Jenn Horak-Holt, owner and director of Pied Piper Studios – a community learning hub focused on filling families’ lives with music and creating vibrant early childhood experiences, says, “When we are afraid, sad, or really happy, we can invite music in.”

In the “Pinkalicious and Peterrific” episode “Peter’s Blues,” Pinkalicious and Peter explore blues music as a way to help express Peter’s feelings of sadness.

As he plays and sings the blues, Peter realizes the music is reflecting his sad feelings and begins to feel better. Music can help us process and work through our emotions in a healthy and safe way.

According to Horak-Holt, engaging with music can help regulate breathing, reduce stress hormones, and increase “happy hormones” in our bodies.

Toddlers and young children can be great at expressing their emotions, but sometimes they need help to regulate and move through them.

Music increases a sense of emotional security for children, allowing them to feel safer to fully experience their feelings. So next time your child is struggling with their emotions, invite music in and see how it can help.

Playing Music increases IQ

Did you know that playing music can actually increase your child’s IQ?

According to a study by E. Glenn Schellenberg at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, giving weekly voice and piano lessons to six-year-olds can lead to a small increase in their IQ.

In the study, Schellenberg provided nine months of piano and voice lessons to a dozen six-year-olds, drama lessons to another group of six-year-olds, and no lessons to a third group.

The children’s IQs were tested before entering the first grade, then again before entering the second grade.

And guess what? The children who received music lessons over the school year tested on average three IQ points higher than the other groups.

So if you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to give your child’s brain a little boost, music lessons might just be the way to go!

A “Full Body Workout” for the Brain

If you’re thinking of enrolling your child in music classes, then you’re in for a treat!

Recent studies show that the brain of a musician works differently than that of a non-musician, even if they’re young.

In fact, children involved in music have larger neural activity than those who aren’t. Crazy, right?

According to Dr. Eric Rasmussen, chair of the Early Childhood Music Department at the Peabody Preparatory of The Johns Hopkins University, playing an instrument makes you use more of your brain.

It’s like a workout, but for your noggin. So, not only will your child be learning a new skill, but they’ll also be developing their brain in ways that will benefit them throughout their life.

But wait, there’s more! A study by Ellen Winner, a professor of psychology at Boston College, and Gottfried Schlaug, a professor of neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, found that students who received weekly music instruction and practice for 15 months showed improvements in sound discrimination and fine motor tasks. Brain imaging also showed changes in the networks associated with those abilities.

So, if you want to give your child a mental workout and help them improve their cognitive skills, music classes might be just the thing they need.

Spatially Intelligent Kids!

Have you ever noticed that musicians tend to have excellent spatial skills? Well, that’s because there’s a scientific link between music and spatial intelligence!

This means that if your child understands music, they’ll better visualize different elements and how they fit together, just like when solving a tricky math problem.

According to Dr. Pruett, who helped found the Performing Arts Medicine Association, quite a bit of research shows music instruction can improve spatial-temporal skills in kids.

These skills come in handy in various areas, like architecture, engineering, math, art, gaming, and even when working with computers.

So not only will your child be able to play a cool tune on their instrument, but they’ll also have an advantage in these essential skills!

Musical Instrument = Better Grades

I’ve got some interesting information to share with you about how music education can impact your child’s test scores.

A study conducted by Christopher Johnson at the University of Kansas found that students in schools with high-quality music education programs scored significantly higher in English and math standardized tests, compared to those in schools with low-quality music programs, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

It’s not just about test scores though. The study also showed that a good music education program can positively affect a child’s overall success.

This makes sense because if a school has a great music program, it probably means they have high-quality teachers across all subjects.

It creates an environment where people are doing creative and smart things, and that kind of positive energy can impact everyone.

And here’s a bonus: music education can even help with memory recall. Kids who have formal training in music tend to have better verbal recall proficiency.

So not only will your child be rocking out on an instrument, but they’ll also be improving their brain power in other areas too.

Beyond Music!

Do you know what’s even better than listening to music? Learning how to make it!

Numerous studies have shown that music education is so much more than just singing or playing an instrument.

It can help your child excel in school and in life. Mary Luehrisen, the executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation, says that a “music-rich experience for children of singing, listening, and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning.”

Learning music is a multi-sensory experience that requires the use of eyes, ears, and large and small muscles.

According to Kenneth Guilmartin, co-founder of Music Together, “music learning supports all learning. Not that Mozart makes you smarter, but it’s a very integrating, stimulating pastime or activity.”

How Learning Music Helps Develop Your Child’s Language

Did you know that music education is crucial for your child’s language development? Music can enhance your child’s natural ability to decode sounds and words.

Growing up in a music-rich environment is actually super beneficial for your child’s language development, according to Mary Luehrisen.

But, those abilities need to be reinforced and practiced, and this can be done both at home or in a formal music education setting.

Children’s Music Workshop notes that music education physically develops the part of the left side of the brain that is involved with processing language.

This can even wire the brain’s circuits in specific ways! Linking familiar songs to new information is also helpful in imprinting new information on young minds.

Not only is music education essential for language development, it can also enhance social competence. Dr. Kyle Pruett explains that as language competence develops, it enhances the parts of the brain that help process music.

And, musical experience helps strengthen the capacity to be verbally competent, which is key to social competence.

So let’s get our kids singing and playing to help their language development and social skills!

Music is For Everyone

Hey parents, did you know that music is for everyone? That’s right, it doesn’t matter what age you are, what background you come from, or what your abilities are. According to Jenn Horak-Holt, owner and director of Pied Piper Studios, music is a language all on its own that is accessible to all human beings.

But we get it, a lot of parents and grandparents feel like they don’t have the talent or skills to “be musical.” Well, you don’t have to worry about that! Your kids will love singing, dancing, and playing music with you no matter what it sounds or looks like. Plus, as we learned from Pinkalicious and Peter, you don’t even need words to make music, it can just be a collection of silly sounds.

What’s important is the emotional connections you’re creating with your family and the social wellness you’re building. So, let’s get started! Here are three ways you can help your family interact with music to identify, express, and regulate feelings.

First, Music is Everywhere.

You can empower your child to use music as emotional support by giving them access to the tools they need. It’s not necessary to purchase musical toys; household items like pots and pans, or even your feet while taking a walk, can make great instruments.

Second, Music Talks

You can help your child explore the relationship between music and emotions by talking about your own relationship with music. If you’re feeling happy or sad, narrate it for your children. You can also notice the music in your child’s world and use it to help create feeling descriptions.

Third, get dancing!

Children experience music in their bodies, not just in their minds! Music and movement go hand in hand. So jump, sway, twirl, and clap to your favorite songs – it’s a natural way for our bodies to process feelings.


In conclusion, music lessons can have a remarkable impact on a child’s life.

Whether it’s the cello or another instrument, the key to mastering music is practice, patience, and a positive attitude.

Thanks to the convenience of online lessons, children can learn and improve from the comfort of their own homes.

Music 4 Humans has some of the best online teachers who are passionate and experienced in helping children become masters of their chosen instrument. So, why wait? Sign up for music lessons today and let the journey to mastering music begin!

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